Wednesday, February 10, 2010

worry 's for another day

I was offered a job today! And I am celebrating by myself...unless you count Quentin at my feet disagreeing with anything I suggest for him to watch. Pending a background check I will start work on the 22nd! I've never been unemployed for 6 mos before. And now that it is coming to an end I wish I'd have done so much more with my time. But I suppose when you have no money and are searching for a job full time that puts a damper on all the fun.

Pending a background check I will be a Development Specialist for Disability Determination for the SRS. It's in Topeka which doesn't bother me. If I want to I can go permanent on June 1...woo-hoo for benefits soon! And a paycheck!!!

I made a few new year resolutions this year. I haven't really talked about them with anyone too much. One of my big resolutions was to become a better version of myself. I have pretty much become the worst version and that must change. A branch off of that is to be healthier.

So I have been exercising regularly and I am enjoying it. And due to some recent stress eating I have decided to go on a sugar cleanse.

I am on day two. And I just cheated. I have said this entire time that the day I got a job I was opening a bottle of champagne. No one else wants to drink it with me. Larry is feverishly working on co-writing a screenplay and my parents are busy. So I celebrate alone...cheating on my cleanse. Also, I ordered some special candy before Christmas to surprise my family (it was from my childhood) was on back order and I just received it I had one...ok two. I'll start again tomorrow.

SO, for today, right your cares away, worry 's for another day, let the music play...down in Fraggle rock :)

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you got a job, you already sound happier and less stressed. I am sad we couldnt spend some of your time off together though, if only it had been in the summer. Maybe we can still meet on that sunday in march halfway between wichita and lawrence for dinner and a margarita. How far is the drive to topeka from Lawrence?
